
following my dreams when I was 13


Drawing is like writing, only more subtle

(please note: the website is currently under construction. Here you have still access to parts of the archive by clicking the links under the pictures)


Poet62, Denmark-Kopenhagen, canvas 60x80cm at a group exhibition.

…some Poet62 premium stylewriting canvas files are gathered here. I call these works Art-letters, because they are more emotional writings. One, two , three , four , five , six and seven.

Sear, Dresden tram-station

One, two, three files full of Sear and Saer pieces and a load of Buff117 pieces from Poet62 by clicking on the link’s. The „End-2-end“ Projekt with Shek, Phos4, Dejoe and Wesp from 2001 you find here.

Superstar by Poet62, Berlin paperboard 60x80cm

Airmax and Superstar designs by Poet62, check here

Poet62, Tchech-Prag

If you want to see some Poet62 stuff form the last 20 years, then check out the selection of style writing on murals files one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight or nine.

Moe36 & Poet62, Berlin-Kreuzberg

Rest in Peace, my old streetbombing partner Moe36 who went too early from us.

Kaos45, France-Strasbourg (with Phos4 & Dize Grimteam)

The mid 90ties till the Millennium was the time I mostly worked on my own style and brought colours to work, with names like Kaos45. Piece files one, two , three & four. Finishing it with some color sketches

Poet62, Berlin S-train

1992, Poet62 a name became a trademark. Check out the Poet62 early 90ties chapter, starting with the fullcolor sketches winter 1992/93. The Piece files one, two, three, four & five. And finishing it with some more sketches from the mid90ties. And a short episode of Edge pieces.

Sare62 by Poet62, Berlin-Wilmersdorf (Bundesplatz hall of fame)

check out the SARE62 stuff from 1990-1992, linked chapters from the archives section one, two and three .

Saer, work in progress 1989, underneath the Julius-Leber-Bridge on the S1 line.

currently updated with some more pictures, the linked end 80ties chapter one & two from the archiv.

„Point of no Return“ series by Poet62, Berlin-Kreuzberg

Pack your heat and work the streets before you end in a Mirror disaster. check out the „point of no Return“ series, midnight walker or the adbusting works. 20 years old bit still relevant messages for me.

everything u see by Poet62, Berlin-Schöneberg S1 line, (today Julius-Leber-Brücke station).

Dust2, Base or Part62, where some names i rocked in Berlin from 1989 until 1992, check out the chapters one & two.

Side aka B-side sketch by Poet62, Berlin

beside the 3 alias from above i also rocked, in the early to the mid 90ties, more names like Side, 2High, 2Much or 2Wild, here in chapters one & two. Also another file from that time with pieces from me, is linked here, with the name Ask, that was painted from several members of our crew. Or pieces for my homeboy Sume.

© 2025 Poet62

Thema von Anders Norén