2 Art shows @ Urban Spree Gallery in Berlin-Friedrichshain from 2014 & 2015, were Poet62 participated. Starting with „Yard5 meets Urban Spree“, followed by „The Metroidz“ Graffiti Groupshow.
Yard5 meets urban Spree, Flyer
Yard5 Graffiti Artshow @ Urban Spree Gallery, BerlinYard5 Graffiti Artshow @ Urban Spree Gallery, BerlinPoet62 Canvas works, Yard5 Graffiti Artshow @ Urban Spree Gallery, BerlinPoet62 Canvas, Yard5 Graffiti Artshow @ Urban Spree Gallery, BerlinPoet62 Canvas, Yard5 Graffiti Artshow @ Urban Spree Gallery, Berlin Poet62 Canvas, Yard5 Graffiti Artshow @ Urban Spree Gallery, Berlinmy personal Favourite „Tree of Life“ canvas,60x80cm ,out of many tree of life series that I painted. The tree of life represent both worlds, the death and undeath. ( This motiv also covered a wall at „Bad Blood cafe“. This canvas motiv was also available as a limited t-shirt print and A2 print full color and limited fluorescent yellow/pink.)„Tree of Life“ canvas by Poet62 Canvas, Yard5 Graffiti Artshow @ Urban Spree Gallery, Berlin„Tree of Life“ canvas detail by Poet62 Canvas, Yard5 Graffiti Artshow @ Urban Spree Gallery, Berlin„Tree of Life“ canvas detail by Poet62 Canvas, Yard5 Graffiti Artshow @ Urban Spree Gallery, BerlinYard5 Graffiti Artshow @ Urban Spree Gallery, BerlinYard5 Graffiti Artshow @ Urban Spree Gallery, Berlin
Poet62 for Metroidz @ Urban Spree GalleryPoet62 for Metroidz @ Urban Spree GalleryPoet62 for Metroidz @ Urban Spree GalleryPoet62 for Metroidz @ Urban Spree Gallery