“Seit Jahren erregt das Graffiti Kollektiv The Exchange Aufsehen in der Welt des Style Writing. Dreiunddreißig Mitglieder aus der Creme de la Creme der Graffiti Kultur zählt das spannende Projekt inzwischen. Die Künstler treten miteinander in Dialog und erarbeiten Skizzen für jeweils ein anderes Mitglied und stellen dieses so vor die Herausforderung über den Schatten seiner eigenen Style Buchstaben zu springen. Eine Auswahl der phantastischen Ergebnisse dieses Experiments ist nun pünktlich zum Buchrelease des On The Run Book #8 erstmals in einer Kollektivausstellung in Berlin zu bewundern.”(Ilovegraffiti)…More Poet62 Exchanges you find on Poet62 style writing on Murals Part 8+9. If you Wonne see all sketches and Pieces of Poet62 and the others then visit the Exchange homepage: http://thegraffitiexchange.blogspot.com
Poet62, sketch by Jurne from U.S.A-San Francisco, Berlin-FriedrichshainPoet62, sketch by Kaput from Vancouver, Berlin-KreuzbergPoet62, sketch by Kaput from VancouverTaboo From U.S.A.-New York City, the Exchange, Sketch by Poet62, BerlinTaboo From U.S.A.-New York City, the Exchange, Sketch by Poet62, BerlinTaboo From U.S.A.-New York City, the Exchange, Sketch by Poet62, BerlinTaboo From U.S.A.-New York City, the Exchange, Sketch by Poet62, BerlinPoet62. Sketch by Honke from Canada-Vancouver, Berlin-FriedrichshainMotel from South Africa, sketch by Poet62, BerlinMotel from South Africa, sketch by Poet62, BerlinMotel from South Africa, sketch by Poet62, BerlinPoet62, Sketch by Hesoe from Chile-Santiago, Berlin-FriedrichshainPoet62 painted 2 sketches by SWK from Brasil-Rio de Janeiro & Scotty76 from Germany-Heidelberg on a Berlin Miniwall for the Exchange book release in BerlinPoet62 painted a sketch by SWK from Brasil-Rio de Janeiro on a Berlin Miniwall for the Exchange book release in BerlinPoet62 painted a sketch by Scotty76 from Germany-Heidelberg on a Berlin Miniwall for the Exchange book release in BerlinStae2 from N.Y.C. sketch by Poet62, BerlinStae2 from N.Y.C. sketch by Poet62, BerlinStae2 from N.Y.C. sketch by Poet62, BerlinStae2 from N.Y.C. sketch by Poet62, BerlinStae2 from N.Y.C. sketch by Poet62, BerlinStae2 from N.Y.C. sketch by Poet62, BerlinStae2 from N.Y.C. sketch by Poet62, BerlinStae2 from N.Y.C. sketch by Poet62, BerlinStae2 from N.Y.C. sketch by Poet62, BerlinStae2 from N.Y.C. sketch by Poet62, BerlinPoet62, sketch by Serval from Swiss-Geneva, Berlin-FriedrichshainPoet62, sketch by Serval from Swiss-Geneva, Berlin-Friedrichshain