At the age of 16 meeting more and more other writers of this little secret society changed my life. From my beginnings, my friends before Graffiti with whom I started out, to other writers from other districts and absolute old-school veterans. I was on the road with all of them in 1989 and we were like brothers on a mission…
SAER, Berlin Subway 1989. U7-line. Together with KAGE-AC, SHEK-TCF & NECO-TGK 36ers.SAER, Berlin Subway 1989. U7-line. Together with KAGE-AC, SHEK-TCF & NECO-TGK 36ers.HOUSE by SAER, Berlin Subway U1-line spring 1989. Together with KAGE.TGK by SAER. MAXIM allowed me to paint over an old storefront he did. WE came around 5 in the morning, when i finished it was daylight and I wrote 6 in da Morning next to it. Berlin 1989, Kreuzberg at Muskauer StrasseBANDITZ by SAER, Berlin April 1989. In Kreuzberg on the way from Moskauer Strasse we came across this freshly white painted wall at the corner Oranienstr./Manteuffelstr. Banditz the crew was not really existing anymore. So this became the last piece with this name i did. I was mad tired. This was our third piece that night or meanwhile in the next morning.MAXIM R.i.p. at work doing a WSC piece next to a BANDITZ by SAER, Berlin May 1989. Kreuzberg, Oranienstr./Manteuffelstr.the finish WSC from MAXIM R.i.p.. He did always stuff in ESO’s name, because ESO was his best and closest graffiti pupil. And couldn’t get out at night because of his age and father. So MAXIM tried to fillin in the gap.SAR ,Berlin spring 1989, Special S-train model in Tempelhof with mash wire behind the window. Together with SHEK, KAGE & ZONE.unfinished subway Berlin 1989. ESO-WSC by SAER & WE CAN DO THIS by MAXIM R.i.p.. This was actually the first plan for ESO’s Birthday present. We got spotted in the tunnel by Transit workers. You can see MAXIM R.i.p. looking at them while i took to a Picture before we left the tunnel. Then we decided to go direct on the S1 line to do a Birthday Piece for ESO. ESO by SAER, Berlin 1989. Schöneberg S1 line. Julius-Leber-Brücke wall with Maxim R.i.p. who did on the left a Happy Birthday. These two were the first (with roller paint) full color Pieces there.SAER, Berlin 1989. Schöneberg, S1 line. Julius-Leber-Brücke wall. After the birthday Piece for ESO. This was the next night session on the big wall together with MAXIM R.i.p. & KAGE on the S1 lineCrime Time by SAER, Berlin Subway U-1 line 1989. It was very dark, just a single lightbulb by the first door, maybe that’s the reason why i forgot the outline on the second star on the I.Crime Time by SAER, Berlin Subway U-1 line 1989.Another picture from the angle shot. This train I will never forget, because KAGE gave me a skinny cap after i was doing the outline with a standard marabou cap. It was Fehrbelliner Platz right behind the entrance were i went everyday to school. SAER, Berlin 1989. Schöneberg, S-1 line under the Julius-Leber-BridgeSAER, Berlin 1989. Schöneberg, S-1 line under the Julius-Leber-BridgeSAER, Berlin 1989. Schöneberg, S-1 line under the Julius-Leber-BridgeSAER, Berlin 1989. Schöneberg, S-1 line under the Julius-Leber-BridgeTime Bomb by Saer (the TIME was painted Julius-Leber-Brücke underneath the SAER seen above), BerlinLOKI aka KAGE & SAR, Berlin S-train 1989, S-1 line. Alongside KAOS-TDC, SHEK-TCF & BAES-AC.SAER, Berlin 1989. Schöneberg S1 line, Julius-Leber-Brücke wall. This was the first session painting at daylight. After 3 hours we had to go because of security guards and came back at night for the outlines. The first Berlin Subway Wholecar by MAXIM R.i.p., ASEK-AC & SARE. West-Berlin in may 1989, MAXIM R.i.p. came up with the idea: „We have to do Subway Wholecars“. He asked me which lay-up would be the best for that and I reply Breitenbachstation lay-up. We setted up a meeting 3 days later and MAXIM R.i.p. brought ASEK with him. The Wholecar was published, after more then 20 years for the first time, in the Documentary Unlike-U. I have to notice, that on the right a top-to-bottom mushroom painted by MAXIM R.i.p. is not pictured, also the Wholecar is completely done with Marabou Buntlack.SAER, Berlin 1989 at Spirale youth house. Painted in the morning during the school Homeboy who was with me that morning in 1989.