
following my dreams when I was 13

SAER, SEAR & SARE end 80’ties Graffiti style’s part 5

…closing the end 80’ties SAER chapter’s with more 1989 stuff. At the end you can see my penal work. The reason why I was painting some new alias. SET-7, BASE, DUST240, PART62, SUME and some more (seen in the next chapters). But 1989 was a great time, especially because I painted almost exclusively with Marabou cans until I discovered Sparvar for outlines. Even though I no longer paint with these cans, they remain my favorite brand to this day.

SAER, Berlin 1989 with KINO & SKEN aka SCAN, my old BANDITZ Partners at Spirale youth center.
SAER, Berlin 1989 at Spirale youth center, with KINO together
SAER, Berlin eastern 1989, my first Piece at Hallesche tor hall of fame, as usual KINO was with me.
Dick und Doof by SAER, Berlin Subway Spring 1989. DICK & DOOF is the german title of the comedians Laurel & Hardy. One of those first works where you didn’t yet know how to do it. Also it was very dark in the tunnel. So dark that I thought the background was filled.
SAER @ Work under the Julius-Leber-Brücke. Berlin 1989
SARE silver top-2-bottom, part of the SARE-ICE-CRIME subway wholecar by SAER, Berlin may 1989
ICE, part of the SARE-ICE-CRIME subway wholecar by SAER, Berlin may 1989
in between picture of the CRIME piece, part of the SARE-ICE-CRIME subway wholecar by SAER, Berlin may 1989
SAR by SAER, trackside on the S2- line between Humboldthain & Nordbahnhof in Winter 1989-90. I primed the wall on East Berlin territory 2 months after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The plan was a bold line piece with several styles. After the first night and the first piece with vanBode ice landscape, I came back the second night with MAXIM R.i.p. and SOKO-GFA. We were confronted by GDR border guards on the tracks and there was a wild argument where both parties threw stones at each other. As a result, we never finished the wall. The photo was taken a year later.
SAER by SONIK-NSK & SAER Berlin winter 1989. This was the first Piece at „Garage“ second hand shop. Later the year 1990 it became a legal hall of fame.
Gheto by SAER & SONIK-NSK. In Winter 1989-90 at Bundesplatz hall of fame. In the background you see the rest of a fantastic mural by JON1 & JAY1. Totally on the left a bit of a SHEK and also on the right a bit of Mason One from Dortmund.
the finish GHETO by SAER, Berlin winter 1989 at Bundesplatz hall of fame with SONIK-NSK on the right.
CRIME LADY’s by SHERIN, LARI & SAER. Berlin August 1989. U6-Line Alt-Tempelhof lay-up. I helped the Lady’s by this Piece doing the style. Crime Lady’s or Comic Luci’s aka CL was the first only female Graffiti crew in Berlin.
TGKings by SARE, Berlin August 1989. U-8 line Gesundbrunnen Lay-up. Alongside with MIGEL, ROK and KAGE. Were asked to bringt this night a Tv team with us, who lighting up the whole tunnel. The whole action was covered at the Sat.1 mornigshow a few days later under the title: „The new sport of Berlin Kids“.
KOSE by KAOS-TDC & SER by Saer, outline by KAOS-TDC. Berlin fall 1989. Kreuzberg, U-bhf. Görlitzerstr./Skalitzerstr. Today there is a sports hall at the playground. Kaos-TDC became aware of me through my Pieces on the S1 line. As he was friends with Near, my mentor, the contact wasn’t far away. We got to know each other and he was also close friends with SUME, a young talent who was taken in by my family and lived with us at home. I didn’t know how close his relationship to graffiti and KAOS was.The only thing I knew was that he was painting with KAOS several times. After a few previous S1-line pieces we three did together, the painting with KAOS in the hall in Kreuzberg was the highlight. He was the king of the graffiti scene at that time and it was a great honor for me as a youngster to go spraying with him. Because soon after he quit painting Graffiti.
SAER at the S-1 line, Berlin fall 1989. Julius-Leber-brigde. Fighting out a battle against GFA crew. After a small conflict with the GFA crew in Schönholz at the Berlin Wall, they attacked me in Schöneberg on the S-1 line. It went back and forth and my partner KAGE, a member of the GFA crew, suggested I join the crew. So we sat down together after the battle which lasted about 3 weeks and since I was friends with MAXIM R.i.p. and did several actions together, I decided to join my old partner KAGE and his new crew. Below the piece is a very early BIS aka BISAZ from 1989 and tags of his Partner KAZE aka BUS126.
Painting the westside of the Berlin wall with West-Germany oldchoolers Cologne’s SHEN, Düsseldorf’s FUME, KEN and MIK from Bochum. my Piece is on the right behind the bush. Spring 1990.
Werk statt Knast e.V. by SAER-TGK-AGS, Berlin Nauener Platz. At the end of 1989, some weeks after the fall of the Berlin wall. I had to do social work after a crime for 3 months. After some time as a bricklayer, I had the luck that at „Work intead of jail“ e.V. my skills as a sprayer were appreciated. e.V. by Sare, Berlin Nauener Platz. At the end of 1989, some weeks after the fall of the Berlin wall. I had to do social work after a crime for 3 months. After some time as a bricklayer, I had the luck that at „Work intead of jail“ e.V. my skills as a sprayer were appreciated.
Werk statt Knast e.V. Winter 1989/90 by SAER-TGK-AGS. Berlin
Werk statt Knast e.V. Winter 1989/90 by SAER-TGK-AGS. Berlin

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