after part one with sketches from the second half of 1988, here ist part two with drawings from 1989…the time 1988-89 I started to paint pieces with spray can on a regular Base. My favourite surface was the West-Berlin Subway because it was like untouched and you make big progress building your painting skills by painting on metal. At the age of 16 it felled too good to be part of the first Berlin Subway Graffiti movement, that actually started in NEW YORK. At the same time i went out on the S1 & S2 line, painting the walls alongside the tracks from north to south in West-Berlin. This time was short but very intense. Because the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 changed everything and completely freed my generation and triggered the graffiti boom all over the city.
ruff sketching by KISS GFA aka Sick (WESP). Underneath ZONE top to bottom and CIS (for SICK backwards) letters + BOSE (GFA) ,ZONE & ASEK (AC) tags, ZONE block letter and a character all from SHEK. Upside down a SER, don’t know who did it. Maybe I took the Book to the Writers corner at Ku’damm in spring 1989. In front of the former Burger King (at the corner Rankestrasse/Tauentzienstrasse is a big tree).Crime Time sketch by SAER in Mai 1989 for a subway train. Check part3 of the end 80’ties series. DICK und DOOF ( Laurel & Hardy ) sketch by SAER in April 1989 for a subway train. first GFA sketches by SAER. Berlin 31.05.1989.KIDZ sketch by SAER, painted along trackside on the S2-line in Wedding. Berlin 1989KINO sketch by SAER for my old homeboy who took me down with Banditz crew in 1988. Berlin 1989 SAER sketch, Berlin 1989SAER sketch, street piece @ Hohenstaufen Strasse, Berlin 1989SAER sketch, never painted i think. Also thinking about a new crew name. Didn’t know, that Independent was the correct word i was looking for instead of dependent. Berlin 1989SAER sketch, painted at SPIRALE youthcenter, Berlin 1989SAER sketch painted along trackside on the S1 line in Schöneberg. Berlin 1989SAER sketch for my first piece at Hallesches Tor hall of Fame. Berlin, march 1989. This hall of Fame was for many years tolerated and accepted since in 1988 illegal initiated by GFA crew member MORE. The walls were in the inner courtyard of a large housing estate in Berlin-Kreuzberg.SAER sketch, painted along trackside on the S2-line in Wedding. Berlin 1989SARE sketch painted along trackside on the S-1 line in Schöneberg. Berlin 1989SARE sketch, never painted i think. Berlin 1989SAER sketch, painted along trackside on the S2-line in Wedding. Berlin 1989SER sketch, never painted i think. Berlin 1989Wild Style sketch by SAER for an Subway end-to-end together with MAXIM R.i.p. in August of 1989. Painted at Hallesches tor U6 lay up, MAXIM did characters on the left & right. We were there that night together with other GFA crew members painting several carriages. Sketch for the first one man Subway whole car in Berlin. I had this goal together with KAGE, who painted a own car with the Slogan „Stop toys on train“ + Characters. With blue sky and a black Skyscraper skyline. Because he finished first, he is the first writer in Berlin who did a One-man Subway wholecar. SICK (Wesp) was also with us that night doing an „Stop the buff“ end-to-end. On the sketch you a HCB (HardCoreBomber) + We do this + Ice+ Cold for the window parts of the carriage and below a DA-NG-ER sketch for the Doors. The idea was a mix of Silver and Colors parts. When the open doors are closed the silver DANGER appears. I later changed the concept and did a SEAR silver block on the first third of the car. Then on the rest of the car a colourful ICE COLD. Berlin may 1989.The Train Kings sketch for a window down Subway piece. After our first whole car „InterFameExpress“ and our one-man Cars in West-Berlin. I got a little flight of fancy because we were so young, newskool and pretty much the only ones with 5 others to actually attack the subway. My older partner Kage was never really a fan of the term „king“. He was of the opinion that it was nonsense. He convinced me and I left it at one action. For me he was the king at the time, with his visionary end-to-end’s without letters, just abstract painting. Berlin 1989SEAR ruff ballpen sketching by SHEK. Blue outline by SAER later on. Some weeks after our first train together in Spring 1989. Can’t remember where, maybe i had the Blackbook with me.SARE sketch,. Berlin 1989SUCKER sketch by SARE, Berlin 1989. Painted this on a West-Berlin Subway.