SAER, SEAR & SARE end 80ties Graffiti style’s part 3
stuff from the time from 1988 to 1989. The time when i switched my tagging names CEANZ to SINCE and AERO to HOUSE. And started painting letters with Spraypaint. SEAR to SAER and SARE. The time when i was a member of a crew called BANDITZ and then formed together with ZONE the crew called „THE BOYS“. After ZONE quit with Writing, KAGE and me became close partners for years. Also I became a member of the crews AC, AGS and TGK.
„the magic CEANZ“, starting as a toy, as a wannabe SAINTS, the role model crew that dominate West-Berlin in the south, from the mid to the late 80ties. I soon later changed it to SINCE. With the name SINCE i went out Tagging for the first time in all districts of West-Berlin by the end of 1987 to spring 1988, I was looking out for more or other Graffiti in West-Berlin and discovered many painted Spots, mostly on the Berlin Wall.SEAR, Berlin summer 1988, Bernhardstrasse. One of my very first street pieces.BOIZ by ZONE & SAER, Berlin summer 1988. Charlottenburg, at the end of KurfürstendammBOIZ by ZONE & SARE, Berlin fall 1988. Schöneberg Pallas housingproject. At the end of the house was an unused staircase. We often went there after school together with ZONE, MIGEL, DEKO & NEAR.BOIZ by SHEAR aka DEMO 30’ers R.i.p. & SAER, Berlin Fall 1988. Schöneberg Lützowtunnel. MIGEL’s illegal Hall in front of his house across the street. DEMO R.i.p. was MIGEL’s next door neighbor. As usual we were all meeting Saturday evening at Riverboat Disko and going painting at around 2 in da Morning. SER from 1989 at S1-line station Großgörschenstrasse (today Yorkstrasse). There is a old Berlin Tv report about the Graffiti bombing situation in 1990. Most of the footage is from 1989, mentioning S-train Inside bombing and the station Großgörschenstrasse. Check the video out hereSARE sketch of the Piece at Lützowunnel. Berlin Fall 1988 (MIGEL’s illegal Hall of fame, 30er zone)SARE Piece at Lützowunnel. Berlin Fall 1988 (MIGEL’s illegal Hall of fame, 30er zone)SARE Piece at Lützowunnel. Berlin Fall 1988 (MIGEL’s illegal Hall of fame, 30er zone)AERO Banditz crew. My first piece at Bundesplatz hall of fame. Berlin end 1988. Together with my next door neighbor Marko, who became AERO when i started to write SAER on a regular. Bundesplatz hall end of 1988. With the 3 AMOK pieces and a 36Boys from NECO & ROK, the ultimate dreamteam from 1988. About the Amok pieces i wrote an article in the „Thinking about“ section.SET-7 by SAER, Station piece Berlin U-Bhf. Bundesplatz. SET-7 a name I became from KAOS1. Kino aka Koan aka Comik and Aero junior getting credit from me for watching out 5 in the afternoon. Berlin winter 1988 AERO-Bandits, COM-Bandits aka KINO, MEAN-Bandits, Aycee (AC), YORK, SAER-Bandits, Denotscrew (TDC), PSYCHO & SET-SEVEN by SAER, Signatures U-Bhf. Bundesplatz. Berlin Winter 1988SAR by SAER. Berlin winter 1988. ISOVER freight train. These freights were standing on the S-1 line in front of the „Kapella walls“ between the stations Schöneberg and Friedenau. Together with ZONE, KAGE, ASEK & BAES.ZON3 By ZONE. Berlin winter 1988. ISOVER freight train on a cold and wet night.SARE. Kurfürstenstr. Berlin end of 1988. Schöneberg subway rooftop again after school with MIGEL, NEAR, ROK & ZONE (with Tags from NEK-BSA, MIK aka Mc BASIC R.i.p & MINOR-TDT 30er Zone).SAER , Hohenstaufenstrasse in Schöneberg. Berlin November 1988. Alongside with BAES & ASEK und KAGE. all three „Art Creators“ members.ER By SAER, Berlin Winter 1988 in Kreuzberg, Hallesches tor toilethouse U1 trackside. I was struggling with the outlines, too much drips. First it was a BASER. A collaboration with Bas2, but then he decided to change his outline into White. (also old Chintz tags from 1988 down under.)PYK 2 by MAXIM R.i.p., ASEK-AC, BAES-AC, ER by SAER. Berlin Winter 1988 in Kreuzberg, Hallesches tor toilethouse U1 trackside.SAR by SARE with SOE-AGS & Bone from Wedding, Berlin winter 1988, S-station Bundesplatz on the S45/46 Ringline.SAER and SCN by SCAN & SAER. Berlin January 1989 at Lützowunnel. I can remember that the red Piece underneath was also from me. Somebody painted over my older silver piece with the Orange outline. Then i started to fight for my Pieces and went over again when somebody painted over me at MIGEL’s illegal Hall of fame. Once again after Riverboat Disko I went there with SCAN, DEMO R.i.p. & KANT R.i.p.POSE by SAER & KINO, Berlin spring 1989. S1-line Sundgauerstrasse behind the station. This Piece put me on the map.