
following my dreams when I was 13

poet62 @ yard5 „the fence“ soloshow

„The Fence“ @ Yard5 Graffiti store with Poet62. And exhibition with art, self-made food by myself and legendary west-berlin hiphop dj’s playing the real joints live and loud on the street, in front of the store. The fence, a serie of events featuring artists of the Berlin and international Stylewriting scene. Over the last 15 years Yard5 became in Berlin the most popular supporter of style writing artist with mostly no sponsoring. Due in fact the street art hype in Berlin with support of real estate groups with million of euro to change the face of neighbourhoods , Yard5 stay real to the style writing game.

Yard5 „the fence“ Poet62 canvas 120x80cm. Spraypaint & Markers
Yard5 “ the fence“ Poet62 canvas 60x80cm, acrylics &markers
Yard5 „the fence“ Poet62 canvas 40x40cm, acrylics &markers
Yard5 „the fence“ Poet62 canvas 40x40cm, acrylics &markers
Yard5 „the fence“ Poet62 canvas 60x80cm, acrylics &markers
Yard5 „the fence“ Poet62 canvas 60x80cm, acrylics &markers
Yard5 „the fence“ Poet62 canvas 60x80cm, acrylics &markers
couple „real b-boy“ collage canvas with Phos4, Mr.Ice & Poet62, 180x120cm, acrylic & markers
Yard5 „the fence“ Poet62 canvas 60x80cm, acrylics &markers
Yard5 „the fence“ Poet62 canvas 60x80cm, acrylics &markers
Yard5 „the fence“ Poet62 canvas 60x80cm, acrylics &markers
Yard5 „the fence“ Poet62 canvas 60x80cm, acrylics &markers
Yard5 „the fence“ Poet62 canvas 30x100cm, acrylics &markers
Yard5 „the fence“ Poet62 canvas 20x100cm, acrylics &markers

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© 2025 Poet62

Thema von Anders Norén