after the handmade model and the first industrial edition, starting the Berlin handmade Miniatur wall second edition limited up to 250 pieces. The second modified edition came out. 150 pieces were available in stores for D.I.Y. Instead of 7 pieces it was made up to 5 pieces, for a single edition. Also the name Mini wall became the final version…
Poet62 on berlin mini wall (second edition), BerlinPoet62, Replica of a S1-linepiece from 1995, on a Berlin Mini wall for Ufo361, BerlinPoet62, work in progress on a replica of a S1-linepiece from 1995, on Berlin mini for Ufo361, BerlinPoet62 & Arunski on Berlin mini wall, for an art collector, BerlinPoet62 & Arunski on Berlin mini wall, for an art collector, BerlinPoet62 & Arunski on Berlin mini wall, for an art collector, BerlinPoet62 & Arunski on Berlin mini wall, for an art collector, BerlinPoet62 & Arunski on Berlin mini wall, for an art collector, Berlin3x Poet62 on a 15 piece berlin mini wall (second edition), Berlin3x Poet62 on a 15 piece berlin mini wall (second edition), Berlin3x Poet62 on a 15 piece berlin mini wall (second edition), BerlinPoet62 on berlin mini wall (second edition), BerlinPoet62 on berlin mini wall (second edition), Berlinoverpainted Poet62 on berlin mini wall (second edition), BerlinPoet62 on berlin mini wall (second edition), BerlinPoet62 for Legacy store on berlin mini wall (second edition), BerlinPoet62 for Otto on berlin mini wall (second edition), Berlincheck the wallbreaker clip, Wesp, Bas2 & Poet62 painting the Berlin Miniwall, Berlin