
following my dreams when I was 13

Poet62 characters

character by Poet62, Berlin
„4 Lajos“ by Poet62, Berlin
character by Poet62, Berlin
character by Maxim R.i.P, Painted by Poet62, Berlin
character by Poet62, Berlin (Youthclub Koloniestr.)
character by Maxim R.i.P, Painted by Poet62, Berlin (Youthclub Koloniestr.)
Background by Poet62, Hamburg-Berlin @ Drik Bday bash with Nomad and Rams, Berlin
„frog message“ Poet62, Buff117 double piece, S1-line Berlin
„Oldschool MC“ by Poet62, Berlin
„Who’s Bad?“ by Poet62, Berlin
„C3-PO“ by Poet62, Berlin
„R2-D2“ by Poet62, Berlin
„in a bad b-boy stance“ by Poet62, Berlin
„the end…“ by Poet62, Berlin
„Easy done“ by Poet62, Berlin
„Bee-Low“ by Poet62, Berlin
„wild child of the city“ By Poet62, Berlin
„Schlesi warrior“ by Poez62, Berlin
„B-boy Maxim“ by Poet62, Bremen (Character sketch by Maxim R.i.P.)
„Battle bunch“ by Poet62, Bremen (Characters sketch by Maxim R.i.P.)
„Danger mouse“ by Poet62, Berlin
„36 Kings“ by Poet62, Berlin
Poet62, Kreuzberg
„Vaughn Bode“ character by Poet62, Wiesbaden
„Cyclop“ by Poet62, Berlin
B-boy by Poet62, Berlin
B-boy by Poet62, Berlin
„old science, new formula“ by Poet62, Berlin

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Thema von Anders Norén