
following my dreams when I was 13

„Party arty“ collaborations

Some collaboration at the Berlin Festival with Yaneq from the Party arty army , a controvers and eloquent guy, mostly known as a radio host who can be also considered as an street art Activist. Who is hosting a night of vibes from different tribes, as the art Dictator. Below a video from 2011 were a double Poet62 piece is displayed and some pictures from 2012 the „Church of Phonk“ + below the Video of the ceremony consecrate inside the church of Phonk.

Video from the second Collaboration

Kurator Jan Kage, in Berlin auch als Party-Arty-Diktator Yaneq bekannt, hat Various & Gould eingeladen, die Kirchenfenster zu gestalten, Nomad, das Altarbild zu malen, Christoph Krönke wird das Deckenfresko der knapp 100 qm messenden Installation gestalten,Maike Gräf die Skulpturen liefern, Stohead die Inschriften schreiben, Il-Jin Atem Choi die Außengestaltung der Fassade übernehmen, Poet die Kirche mit einem Graffiti bomben und Johannes Buss den altar für Yaneq designen, der auf einer Videoinstallation von Hendrick van Meckenem seine Predigt halten wird: In einer Welt, in der niemand mehr an Götter glaubt, sind die Künste der letzte verbleibende Raum für Transzendenz.
Church of Phonk. Poet62 & Atem
Church of Phonk, Backside by Atem
Church of Phunk by Poet62, Art Village @ Berlin Festival at Tempelhof Airfield
Church of Phunk by Poet62, Art Village @ Berlin Festival at Tempelhof Airfield
Church of Phunk by Poet62, Art Village @ Berlin Festival at Tempelhof Airfield
Party Arty design by Poet62
Party Arty design by Poet62
Party Arty design by Poet62
Party Arty design by Poet62

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© 2025 Poet62

Thema von Anders Norén