Mestem Posedli / Stuck on the City, International groupshow Prague
Some impressions from the International Writers Groupshow at the City Gallery Prague, were Poet62 participated. (Also shown is a picture of the work in progress, after the first lines).
opening event @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Pragueentrance hallway @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Pragueopening event @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, PragueMestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, PragueMestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Pragueopening event @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, PragueMestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Pragueopening event @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Pragueopening event @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Pragueopening event @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Pragueopening event @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Pragueopening event @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Pragueopening event @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, PraguePoet62 @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Prague Poet62, work in progress @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Pragueopening event @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Pragueopening event @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Prague Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, PragueMestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Pragueopening event @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Pragueopening event @ Mestem Posedli/ Stuck on the city. International Groupshow, Prague