
following my dreams when I was 13

„Les legodts“

When Arunski and Poet62 came together for a collaboration, „The Legodts“ was born in 2009, looking for a neutral body shape of the human, including all races and colours, we choose a well known design that included robot and human, to full fill our visions of mankind in paintings. Honestly, we were both like a old couple, friendly loving and hating each other after many years of working as artists together. Fire is in the air when we discuss, about the abroad of the artwork, a war of arguments lead us to the way. the first „Le legodts“ was a argumental fight of 3 months until our path came clear about our artistic uproach aside style writing. In fact i still tryed to put hidden letters in every object as possible in the paintings. Also i have to say, even when our paths no longer cross. He is one of the greatest multitalented artists I ever collaborate with.

In the end at first were about 15 Legodts paintings, some are shown here, every painting is a unique artwork placed in its own universe.

Le Legodts canvas, „the butler“ 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62, the first „Le Legodts“ out of the series of 16, the blocks are standing for the ongoing repeating of life style. Like movie XY part1, part2 and so on…untill a remake of it. „NEW“, a cover up of old wine in new bottles. Nowadays a standard of life. Work , eat ,sleep and repeat. Easy like that. Symbolised in this figure, the destroying of our nature, by bleeding the tree arm’s. Gambling with our existence. Work, house, retirement money, soldiers invading country’s for resources, every thing for the gambling first world. Done by the ropes of Power, building a brick wall that can’t be destroyed from truth by the super rich connections. The trousers are the third world, styled in India style. Walking invisible daily our path with us and supplying us with the cheap content, cheap products like clothes or other things for the consumer.
detail Le Legodts canvas, „the butler“ 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62,
detail Le Legodts canvas, „the butler“ 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62,
Le legodts canvas, „Style-Face“ 120x180cm, by Poet62 and Arunski. Writes vs. Society. Blamed for vandalism. Raped for clickbait. never understood. Most of the true great artists or founders are overlooked, for there contribution of the biggest art movement of modern times. symbolised by the pointing fingers of society, the moon for working in the dark, the bombed block for the streets and not the commercial gallery and the true artistic fire in their head and soul. the visions of the founders and pioneers was burning the matrix, symbolised as a magma eye burning down the prison out of cubic glass.
detail Le legodts canvas, „Style-Face“ 120x180cm, by Poet62 and Arunski.
detail Le legodts canvas, „Style-Face“ 120x180cm, by Poet62 and Arunski.
Le legodts canvas, „Beonardo“ 120x180cm, by Poet62 and Arunski. Leonardi da vinci, the great. Impressive by his works and innovations, symbolised by the hands on fire, symbolised by his body for passion for anatomy and science, and the „paper style“ alphabet for his interesting into written words and letter science. way ahead of his time like Albert Einstein. The arrow frame stand for his groundbreaking construction of castles and in the center you find his little passion for astronomy. A outstanding human who deserve recognition. the face is the only known self portrait of him, (we hope so).
detail Le legodts canvas, „Beonardo“ 120x180cm, by Poet62 and Arunski.
detail Le legodts canvas, „Beonardo“ 120x180cm, by Poet62 and Arunski.
detail Le legodts canvas, „Beonardo“ 120x180cm, by Poet62 and Arunski.
Le legodts canvas, „the lost childhood“ 120x180cm, by Poet62 and Arunski. This painting is about the lost of the childhood, the struggle for survival and individuality. The reality of mentality and the loss of friendships and love, to become immortal. one way or another, takin every risk, symbolised by takin bullets and sinking down a river, layed down by there own companion. Lies are like a kidnapping, they are true as long as they are a hostage of your rival. symbolised by the SOS crew tape. that stands for any crew in the graffiti scene. But the truth is reality, it will last for ever, no matter how much books are written. Reality is like the nature, surviving the human lies. History is HIS story.
detail Le legodts canvas, „the lost childhood“ 120x180cm, by Poet62 and Arunski.
detail Le legodts canvas, „the lost childhood“ 120x180cm, by Poet62 and Arunski.
detail Le legodts canvas, „the lost childhood“ 120x180cm, by Poet62 and Arunski.
Le legodts canvas 120x180cm, by Poet62 and Arunski. Like „The Message“ of Grandmaster Flash and the furious five, “ Its like a jungle sometimes, It makes me wonder how I keep from going under“, this Le legodts canvas is a homage to the big city life. Often loud and aggressive. Mostly grim, obscure and astonishing but sometimes you find a place of total freedom. Or a Place to realise oneself in between millions of others. At night never dark, everywhere broad lights symbolised by the luminous mushrooms. The public transport system is like the veins of the city. Our train is just entering the station Prinzenstrasse of the U1 line in Berlin-Kreuzberg. A district in Berlin that is one of a kind in Germany. Also a homage to all residents who lived and dyed in their district, without haven’t seen the big world, like native people.
detail „Le legodts“ canvas 120x180cm, by Poet62 and Arunski.
Le legotds, „Digital Chaplin“ canvas 120x180cm by Arunski & poet62. One of the founders of slapstick comedy, a big part of our society today. While his real life was tragiedy, Superstar modus. He reminded us to Hip hop. Entertaining the world and get blamed for that. Symbolised by the egg on his head and the color bombs on his clothes, that were perfectly choosen for his supreme artistic performance and the misunderstanding of his personal thoughts. Similar to a b-boy, he had his own principles and attitude to strike poses of pride. Victim of the illegal Cointelpro ( Counter Intelligence program) from the FBI and later banned like 2life crew, chased out of his country. He find his legacy survived today in a digital controlled world of technology. He actually had the visuell vision of today already 85 years ago, of the modern human slave of the working-class and our so called „fast life capitalism society“. were one crisis after another keep us busy and the modern version is a digital controlled working-slave.
detail Le legotds, „Digital Chaplin“ canvas 120x180cm by Arunski & poet62.
detail Le legotds, „Digital Chaplin“ canvas 120x180cm by Arunski & poet62.
Le Legodts „the Bounty hunter“ canvas 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62.
detail Le Legodts „the Bounty hunter“ canvas 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62. (scratched tags like you find on a subway window)
detail Le Legodts „the Bounty hunter“ canvas 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62
Le Legodts „Stalin mouse“ canvas 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62.
detail Le Legodts „Stalin mouse“ canvas 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62.
detail Le Legodts „Stalin mouse“ canvas 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62.
detail Le Legodts „Stalin mouse“ canvas 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62.
Le Legodts „the Indian“ canvas 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62.
detail Le Legodts „Stalin mouse“ canvas 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62.
detail Le Legodts „Stalin mouse“ canvas 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62.
detail Le Legodts „Stalin mouse“ canvas 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62.
detail Le Legodts „Stalin mouse“ canvas 120x180cm, by Arunski & Poet62.

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© 2025 Poet62

Thema von Anders Norén