„thebigone“, 200x140cm, acrylic on canvas from the „FMT32 series“ by Poet62 went out the studio..
detail of „thebigone“, acrylic on canvas, 200x140cm by Poet62detail of „thebigone“, acrylic on canvas, 200x140cm by Poet62detail of „thebigone“, acrylic on canvas, 200x140cm by Poet62 (outside shot)detail of „thebigone“, acrylic on canvas, 200x140cm by Poet62 (inside shot)detail of „thebigone“, acrylic on canvas, 200x140cm by Poet62detail of „thebigone“, acrylic on canvas, 200x140cm by Poet62detail of „thebigone“, acrylic on canvas, 200x140cm by Poet62„thebigone“, acrylic on canvas, 200x140cm by Poet62
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