Berlin Tv-Tower FMT32, Canvas 65×90 cm title: „First-Mix“, by Poet62, Berlin 2020.
This canvas work is the very first of the FMT32 series. A painterly mix of different FMT32 Prototype sketches in high gloss and matte acrylic colors.
Diese Leinwand Arbeit, ist die allerste der FMT32 Serie. Ein malerischer Mix unterschiedlichster FMT32 Prototyp skizzen in Hochglänzenden und matten Acryl Farben.
Detail of Berlin Tv-Tower FMT32, Canvas 65×90 cm title: „First-Mix“, by Poet62, Berlin 2020Detail of Berlin Tv-Tower FMT32, Canvas 65×90 cm title: „First-Mix“, by Poet62, Berlin 2020Detail of Berlin Tv-Tower FMT32, Canvas 65×90 cm title: „First-Mix“, by Poet62, Berlin 2020Detail of Berlin Tv-Tower FMT32, Canvas 65×90 cm title: „First-Mix“, by Poet62, Berlin 2020Detail of Berlin Tv-Tower FMT32, Canvas 65×90 cm title: „First-Mix“, by Poet62, Berlin 2020Detail of Berlin Tv-Tower FMT32, Canvas 65×90 cm title: „First-Mix“, by Poet62, Berlin 2020Detail of Berlin Tv-Tower FMT32, Canvas 65×90 cm title: „First-Mix“, by Poet62, Berlin 2020