
following my dreams when I was 13

dust2, Base & Part62 graffiti styles by Sare240 aka Sare62 from 1989-92 Part 1

Base by Sare62, Original Graffiti, S-train Berlin. RCB crew action with ESHER & RASTA. BOLE showing a orange Postermarker in the door.
Base by Sare62, , S-train Berlin. In the Dark, again with SKUME & WESP from GHS.
Dust2 by Sare62, Germany-Bochum. With KAGE, MIK from Bochum & ROE from Dortmund.
Dust2 & Sume by Sare62, Berlin-Zehlendorf S-1 line trackside
Dust2, Berlin-Schöneberg, S-1 line Julius-Leber-Brücke (1989)
Dust2, Sume & Kaos1, Berlin-Zehlendorf S-1 line trackside maybe 1989?. Picture taken out off the S-train entering S-station Zehlendorf.
Dust2 by Sare62, Germany-Bochum. Behind Bochum- Centralstation
Sume & Dust2 by Sare62, S1-line Berlin-Steglitz (with Sektor-T5B R.i.p. & Kino)
Part62 by Sare62, S-train Berlin-Charlottenburg. This train was special, because the train was leaving while painting the lay-up. Following the train to finish it we ended up in the lay-up behind station Lichtenberg. It was impossible to finish it because our pieces went from the last to the first and changed sides. So we decided to do new pieces on the last carriage. With success KEL2 & WESP were with me.
Part62 by Sare62, Ackerstrasse 157. This was in our Squaded house the staircase 1st floor. First floor were AGS apartments, second floor GFA, third GHS and 4’th GFA again.
Part62 by Sare62, Berlin S-Train, again with GHS. Dedication to SHEK-TCF.
Part62 by Sare62, Subway Berlin-Schöneweide. Another daytime action with KAGE & SOK.
Part62 by Sare62, S-train Berlin-Schöneweide. Another RCB crew action.
Part62 by Sare62, S1-line Berlin-Schöneberg, Julius-Leber-Brücke (kind of funny that really everything in the back is from myself, the S-line was our hall of fame)
Part62 by Sare62, Tunnelpiece S1/S2-line Berlin-Wedding Nordbahnhof to Humboldthain. Detail of a 15m tunnelpiece first Part (shown below with a GFA one top), a Top2 Bottom Ghettoblaster and this Part right here following a Top 2 bottom Hulk face. Also shown below. In 1990.
Part62 by Sare62, Tunnelpiece S1/S2-line Berlin-Wedding (detail of a 15m tunnelpiece)
Part62 by Sare62, Tunnelpiece S1/S2-line Berlin-Wedding (detail of a 15m tunnelpiece)
Part62 by Sare62, Berlin-Subwaymodel from 1920. With the GHS boys.
Sok, Fume & Part62 by Sare62, Characters by Shek, Subway Berlin U5 (the subway that was formerly a S-train, very nice model)
Part62 by Poet62, Berlin-S-train S5/S3. Westkreuz, my favourite Lay-up in the west. With SKUME & STUS-P.of.C.
Part62 by Poet62, Germany-DB-Steeltrain. A crazy trip with AMOK & BAS2, were we lost our car keys in the lay-up.
Part62 by Sare62, Berlin-Pankow. Near Wollankstrasse, a housefront that some how was tolerated after the fall of the wall.
Dust2, Berlin-Schöneberg, S-1 line Julius-Leber-Brücke (1989). SparVar and skinny cap only.
Part62 by Sare62, Berlin-Schöneberg, Subway 1920 Nollendorfplatz U2. The time you went upstairs and paint in the afternoon on the platform of the nowadays U2 line that was shut down in 1990.
Dust2 & Soko, S1/S2–line trackside GDR Berlinwall watchtower. Entering the Borderstrip between East & West-Berlin.
Part62 by Sare62, Subway Berlin-Schöneweide (the only subway spot to paint in the afternoon). While painting SOK & KAGE came along, At first I thought they were cops, until I saw that one of them had wrapped the scarf around his head.
Dust2 by Poet62, the closed S-station Nordbahnhof in the GDR, East-Berlin, chased out into the west by east-german borderpolice. We got away thanks to a fire extinguisher. Together with MINOR & KAOS1. BAES aka BAS2 after escaping from the tunnel jumped into the backyard of a house in the east. luckily we ran over the bridge to the west.
Dust2 by Poet62, AC+ GFA (alongside TDT+Kaos1-TDC on the other platform) at the closed S-station Nordbahnhof in the GDR, East-Berlin, today it is displayed on the station as a historic time document.
Part62 by Poet62, Berlin, ballpen train sketch 1992

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Thema von Anders Norén