a little selection of publications featuring Poet62 artworks, written text by the artists and Interviews in European Books and Magazines + works as Art director, layout & Photo editor mainly for Backjumps Magazine.
Spraycity book by Rene Westhoff (Disz R.i.p.). Poet62 double page artist feature and others + Canvas exhibition at the HDK Berlin (high school of arts Berlin), Berlin 1994
Overkill magazine no.7. First Poet62 Interview + artworks, Berlin 1994
Backjumps Magazine no.5, Layout editor + written text by Poet62 (as fictional Conversation with Sare62, 2High & 2ill.) Berlin 1995
Backjumps magazine, „Train spezial book“, layout editor and responsible for the Retro cover design + pages together with Phos4. Berlin 1996Backjumps Magazine, first „sketch book“, Layout editor, responsible for the cover design, Berlin 1996
Graffiti Art book, featured with artworks
Backspin hip hop magazin, the first Kaos45 by Poet62 artists feature on double pages, Hamburg 1996
Magic Moments mag from Denmark, Kaos45 by Poet62 artists feature on double page, Copenhagen 1999
Number One mag from Switzerland, Kaos45 by Poet62 artists feature on double page, 2000
Backjumps magazine No.3, (after the Relaunch 2001). Sear aka Poet62 „End2end“ art projekt featured
Graffiti Art 9 book, featured with artworks
Stylefile magazine, „Blackbook Session 1“. Kaos45 by Poet62, artists feature with written text + sketches, Aschaffenburg
Stylefile magazine, Best of Issues 1-10, Coverdesign by Poet62, Aschaffenburg
Blazing Magazine, one vision of Berlin, France, Artworks feature, „2003?
HamburgCity graffiti book, Artworks featured, Typeholics Media Hamburg „Writing“ Book, Die Gestalten Verlag, Berlin 2004. Artworks featured + 2 written text by Poet62
Xplicit Graf Magazine aka writers world watch, Poet62 Interview + artworks feature, Paris
The Exchange book, Poet62 artist portrait with Text, Sketches + walls,
20 years Overkill Magazine book, Poet62 Artist portrait, Berlin 2012
Sneakers magazine, Artikel featured with artworks & Interview, 2012Graffiti colouring Book 3, Sweden, Poet62 artwork featured. Dokument Verlag SwedenGraffiti Burners book, Sweden, Poet62 artwork + written text feature. Dokument Verlag SwedenBerlin Writers book, Poet62 Artwork feature + Interview, Berlin 2017King Kool City Berlin book, Artist feature, Interview + Artworks, Berlin 2016Stylefile Magazine, Coverstory + Interview and artworks. Aschaffenburg 2017Graffitiboxshop/MTN sketch battle 2017, cover design, Berlin 2017
Forms of Rocking book, Dokument Verlag. (Mentioned with the Letter K for Kaos.)
The Graffiti Diaspora, BASE by Poet62 S-train published in the Berlin Sektion.published by AllCityWriters.N.O.Madski, The Essence book, Poet62 written text contributionDecades 1990-2000, Graffiti writing in Berlin, Book by Peter Stelzig