
following my dreams when I was 13

Backjumps junior issue 2, International Groupshow

Backjumps „Junior Issue 2“. 11 Artists living in Berlin, curated by Adrian Nabi. Groupshow and Workshops for Kids and grown up’s. Here are a few artworks pictured. Together with Arunski once again. The main intention of our work was to have an interaction with the visitors, the kids. The result is an artwork painted by the kids/visitors of the exhibition. Back in the days painting the Berlin wall was an self expression, a protest or a an ironic answer against it. We wanted to have a playful symbolic act with an imaginary piece of history, with another new generation that never saw the boarder or divided City of Berlin. Not to forget what the Berlin wall stood for. A divided city with a lot of divided family’s. The place were two systems clashed, known in history as the „cold war“.

Backjumps Junior Issue 2 @ Kunstraum Bethanien, Berlin
Matthias Wermke @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Arunski & Poet62 on the left. Next to Phos4 his artwork on the center wall @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Phos4 @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Arunski & Poet62 on the left. Next to Phos4 his artwork on the center wall @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Visitors of the group show painting the Berlin wall of Arunski & Poet62 @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Visitors of the group show painting the Berlin wall of Arunski & Poet62 @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Visitors of the group show painting the Berlin wall of Arunski & Poet62 @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Visitors of the group show painting the Berlin wall of Arunski & Poet62 @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Visitors of the group show painting the Berlin wall of Arunski & Poet62 @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Berlin wall of Arunski & Poet62 after a few days @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
(after 2 weeks) Workshop with Dave the chimp in front of the Berlin wall by Arunski & Poet62 @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Bronco @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Bronco @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Bronco @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Thomas Bratzke @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Thomas Bratzke @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Thomas Bratzke @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Thomas Bratzke @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Dave the Chimp @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Dave the Chimp @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Visitor of the Various & Gold room @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Visitors of the Various & Gold room @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Visitors of the Various & Gold room @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Visitors of the Various & Gold room @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Visitors of the Various & Gold room @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Various & Gold @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin
Various & Gold @ Backjumps Junior Issue 2, Berlin

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