
following my dreams when I was 13

Paint jobs Part 1

paint jobs started as a teenager, I was young and getting cans, getting payed feeling good and i was in good company…

Poet62, Brotfabrik 1992, Berlin-Weissensee
Sani by Poet62, very first Workshop with Shek and Odem R.i.p., Berlin 1992
Poet62 at work, very first Workshop with Shek and Odem R.i.p., Berlin 1992
“ Crazy clean“ Trabant car by Poet62 for NA (Anonymous Narcotics), Berlin-Wilmersdorf
“ Crazy clean“ Trabant car by Poet62 for NA (Anonymous Narcotics), Berlin-Wilmersdorf
1st. Cycle Messenger World Championship 1993, Winner Frame for the Sprints challenge designed by Poet62. Berlin
Kindergarten, Station Harlemweg wall, Shek-Tcf & Poet62, Berlin-Charlottenburg
Kindergarten, Station Harlemweg wall, Shek-Tcf & Poet62 in Action early 90ties, Berlin-Charlottenburg
Shek-Tcf & Poet62, Schering AG, Berlin-Wedding early 90ties
Kage, Shek, Bisaz & Poet62, Max-Bürger-Hospital, Berlin-Charlottenburg end 90ties
Time-cult wall by Poet62, sketch by Harald (one of the drawer of the german comic „Werner“). Berlin 1994
Wesp & Poet62, 5x4m canvas @ KaDeWe main hall, Berlin-Charlottenburg 1993 ( thanks to AAM156 )
Wesp & Poet62, 5x4m canvas @ KaDeWe main hall, Berlin-Charlotenburg 1993
Wesp & Poet62 at work for KaDeWe, Berlin-Charlottenburg 1993
Wesp & Poet62 detail of the canvas for the KaDeWe main hall, Berlin-Charlottenburg 1993
Sachiko Sushi canvas by Poet62, Berlin-Mitte
Pallas housing projects wall, with Odem R.i.P., Shek & Migel, Berlin-Schöneberg
Custom Jeans for Optik Records artist: Eko Fresh Song: König von Deutschland
Eko Fresh Video Backdrop for Optik Records, Song: König von Deutschland (with Labelboss Kool Savas and Jan from SonyBMG/Subword)
Custom Jeans for Optik Records artist: Melbeats Song: Eko Fresh/König von Deutschland
Video Backdrops for Optik Records, Artist: Eko Fresh /König von Deutschland
Video Backdrops for Optik Records, Artist: Eko Fresh /König von Deutschland
Advertising for the release of „Montana Gold“ Spraycans by Poet62 with Tiws (Denmark) & Recto (Belgium), Denmark
Advertising for the release of „Montana Gold“ Spraycans by Poet62 with Tiws (Denmark) & Recto (Belgium), Denmark

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Thema von Anders Norén