
following my dreams when I was 13

Anna-Lindh-Grunschule workshop with Poet62

Eastern holiday workshop 2016 at Anna-Lindh-School with the kids. 3 days of fun and painting. Starting the first day with some theory hours and sketching and working on the sketch for the wall. Continuing the second day with a neighbourhood walk, collecting some phrases from the street for our graffiti-poems. The third day was just painting, starting with a small test and ending with our final wall for the „Gravity kids from 65“. Special thanks goes out to Geppi for the connection.

Day1: style writing history session and the kids target specifications ideas of the workshop…
Asking the kids for their favourite letter & alternative letter and colors…
concept and collaboration of our wall with the kids…
Erik colouring his sketch
Aleyna colouring her sketch
BIG2 colouring her sketch
finish Big1 sketch
finish Ranja sketch
finish Aleyna sketch
finish Big1 sketch
finish Vale sketch
teaching Style writing aesthetics
Day2: Doing the neighbourhood walk, looking for inspiration and phrases for our Graffitipoem.
Day2: Doing the neighbourhood walk, looking for inspiration and phrases for our Graffitipoem.
Day2: Doing the neighbourhood walk, looking for inspiration and phrases for our Graffitipoem.
Day2: Doing the neighbourhood walk, looking for inspiration and phrases for our Graffitipoem.
Day2: Doing the neighbourhood walk, looking for inspiration and phrases for our Graffitipoem.
Day2: Doing the neighbourhood walk, looking for inspiration and phrases for our Graffitipoem.
Day2: Doing the neighbourhood walk, looking for inspiration and phrases for our Graffitipoem.
Day2: collecting the ideas and works on the street that we pictured for our written graffiti poem by the kids…
Day2: some graffiti Poems by the kids…
Day3. painting with the kids outside
Day3. painting with the kids outside
Day3. painting with the kids outside
„We are the Gravity-Teens from 65“, one week Easter Graffiti workshop, drawing & painting with Kids from Berlin-Wedding (65) and Poet62

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Thema von Anders Norén